name = INFRA-Provision | version = 0.1.0 | accountable = Rogério Schneider | depdency = ContextNet, OpenSplice, RTI, Linux
Works great with Vagrant/VirtualBox, cloud VMs and physical servers running Ubuntu.
We are using a set of tools to setup, build and deploy ContextNet services to newly installed machines, with what we call “vanilla” Operating Systems (default configuration, no previous installed or required software).
To accomplish this automated deploy process, we define some premises, as follows:
1. User must setup his own machine with some basic toolset. This process is also automated and should be done using RVM (The Ruby Version Manager) and it's Gemfiles, used to define the versions of helper tools.
2. Capistrano is the main helper tool, used as a control center to run local and remote commands, such as setup, build and deploy. 3. You must have Java, Ant and Maven installed, and your JAVA_HOME variable should be correctly set.
3.1. Java is used to compile the source code for ContextNet. 3.2. Ant is used to build the jars (build.xml is it's recipe file). 3.3. Maven is used to locally install the generated jars (not mandatory). 3.4. If you use Maven in other projects, you can refer to the built ContextNet jars in your pom.xml and your local Maven repository (~/.m2/repository) will provide our lib to your local environment.
4. Vagrant is another helper tool and is used to provision local VMs within VirtualBox, automatically configuring the network and shared folders to conventioned, well-known parameters.
These are the main steps we take to deploy a new server.
1. Install vanilla OS, Debian based. Tested with Ubuntu: 1.1. 14.04 64 bits 1.2. 12.04 32 bits
2. Bootstrap the server with correct SSHd configuration and your SSH public key 3. Build needed ContextNet software 4. Setup/configure the newly installed server 5. Deploy the built software to server 6. Restart services 6. Test deployed infrastructure
All steps are done using just a few commands:
cap <stage> bootstrap cap <stage> deploy
rvm reload # load newly installed RVM - should not be necessary in new terminal sessions since your .bashrc should be changed by RVM installation rvm install $(cat .ruby-version) # install Ruby 2.x.x - must be run only once cd .. # go to another dir cd - # when you come back (or every time you enter this project's directory) rvm current # you must see the loaded gemset: ruby-2.x.x@infra-provision gem list # you should see the default set of dependencies bundle # install Ruby dependencies - must be run only when Gemfiles are changed gem list # now you should see all Ruby dependencies installed (defined in Gemfile and Gemfile.lock)
To facilitate the remote commands execution, you should insert your SSH public key in the file: `provision/data/authorized_keys` so you can use the `-s keys` option as in `cap <stage> deploy -s keys` and you will not be asked to type your password for every remote interaction.
cap help # this is the Capistrano help cap build # build the ContextNet jars cap <stage> bootstrap # initiate the server with SSH credentials so we can do the real setup in the next command cap <stage> deploy # setup server(s), build ContextNet (if needed) and deploy the Gateway services (OpenSplice and RTI) cap <stage> restart # remotely restart services running in the server(s) cap <stage> serverspec # validate deployed infrastructure
You should now have a control center for your servers, running directly from your local terminal.
Please identify your key with your e-mail at the end. Follow the example of other keys already set in the project.
Mind that your key may be the same used to push to Git remotes, as the SSH keypair is personal (hence, should be reused in many machines as you feel like) and is not server bonded (thus, you should not generate new keypairs for each new machine you use or visit). As a general rule, you must only be careful with your private key, the public key may be distributed with no concerns.
A stage is the definition of an environment, composed by servers and it's roles. File `config/deploy/<stage>.rb` defines such configurations.
An example of stage is `lacobd`, defined in `config/deploy/lacobd.rb`, composed by two servers ( and running most of the available roles (:base, :ospl, :rti, :sddl).
Generic stages are `localhost` and `vagrant`, pointing to local installations in such a way that can be reused locally by any user. If needed, you can create your own stages by adding a new file to the project.
# Basic layout for Capistrano commands cap <stage> <action>
# Custom actions - cap -T cap bootstrap # => Prepare host for installation. cap build # => Build all jars. cap build:all # => Build contextnet-all-VERSION.jar. cap build:clientlib # => Build contextnet-clientlib-VERSION.jar. cap build:coreserver_full # => Build contextnet-coreserver-full-VERSION.jar. cap build:coreserver_minimal # => Build contextnet-coreserver-minimal-VERSION... cap clean # => Remove temporary local files. cap help # => Help. cap integration # => Integration tests. cap restart # => Restart services. cap serverspec # => Test host installation. cap teardown # => Uninstall (CAUTION!!!).
# Provision / Deploy - action deploy is the main task in Capistrano cap <stage> bootstrap [-s keys] [<bootstrap_user>_pass="password"] cap <stage> deploy [-s keys] [root_pass="password"]
# Restart cap <stage> restart [-s keys] [root_pass="password"]
# Tips - Use option "-s keys" to avoid password prompt and authenticate using SSH keys - Or export "$root_pass" environment variable with the correct password
# Valid stages - located at config/deploy/<stage>.rb # The stage defines custom servers and configurations to be deployed - lacinfra - lacinfratest - lacobd - localhost - vagrant
# Examples cap build cap build force_ref=master cap lacinfratest bootstrap cap lacinfratest deploy cap lacinfratest deploy -s keys cap lacinfratest deploy -s keys force_ref=master cap lacinfratest restart cap lacinfratest restart -s keys cap lacinfratest serverspec cap lacinfratest serverspec -s keys cap lacinfratest integration cap lacinfratest integration -s keys cap lacinfratest integration -s keys integration_local_to_remote=true cap lacinfratest integration -s keys integration_local_to_remote=true force_ref=master cap lacinfratest teardown
When you need to add a new component to the build process, you need to modify as follows:
# all desc '=> Build contextnet-all-VERSION.jar.' task :all, :roles => nil, :on_no_matching_servers => :continue do
# Packages for this build. # ... repo current_mod, 'ext-mtd', :git => '', :ref => '2.1.0' repo current_mod, 'core-gateway', :git => '', :ref => '2.1.0' repo current_mod, 'ext-poamanager', :git => '', :ref => '2.1.0' repo current_mod, 'core-groupdefiner', :git => '', :ref => '2.1.0'
# Dependency packages for every build. # All jars must include this package list. repo current_mod, 'core-mrudp', :git => '', :ref => '2.1.0' repo current_mod, 'core-clientlib', :git => '', :ref => '2.1.0' repo current_mod, 'ext-adaptivemiddleware', :git => '', :ref => '2.1.0', :path => 'AdaptiveMiddleware' repo current_mod, 'core-universalddsinterface', :git => '', :ref => '2.1.0' repo current_mod, 'core-highlyscalablecollections', :git => '', :ref => '2.1.0'
1. First open the configuration of the main job trigger.
2. Then go to the last repository in the list.
3. And click "add repository".
4. After you insert your new Git repository to be monitored, just save the configuration.
You may also want to sync the new configuration to the INFRA-Provision repository:
ci/ git add provision/rootfs-ci/home/lac/.jenkins git commit -am 'Jenkins config save' git push