ProMe2c (real-time Proximity-based Medical Care Call) is a SDDL application based on ContextNet that simulate a care call from one of 5 mobile clients to a server that manage who is the nearest mobile client and asks it to help the mobile client that sent the care call. The application can be used also to support any kind of help requirement from a mobile cliente.
To dowload the source code, click here prome2c.rar . Unpack the file preserving the tree structure as shown:
src br.pucrio.inf.lac.client br.pucrio.inf.lac.server
The standard Java library with an additional libraries are required to compile the application:
• ContextNet: consisting of contextnet-2.5.jar and udilib.jar. Documentation available at;
The application is divided into two executable modules: HelloCoreServer is the service that receives the position of all clients and the information from one client that has a medical problem. When this occur, the Server application send to the Clients the position of the Client with problem and asks them to send back their distance to the Client with problem. The Server, considering the distance information received, sends back a message to the nearest Client from the Client that asked for a medical care support, asking the nearest Client to go to the Client that asked help and support it.
HelloCoreClient is the Client application. This application simulates that a Client is walking in a randomic direction and in a randomic time it sends to the Server a message informing that it needs a medical care help, stops walking and wait for another Client to arrive and support it.
To run the application you also need an OpenSplice server. You can use Primstech OpenSplice, an open-source SDDL implementation which can be downloaded from
First, start the ContextNet server. It requires an installed OpenSplice server and some environment variables. Check installation and running instructions at By default choose as gateway and port 5500.
• Starting ContextNet:
java -jar <path to ContextNet>/contextnet-2.5.jar <gateway address> <port> OpenSplice
After you can run the Server (HelloCoreServer) executing it in Eclipse platform and when the Server is running, execute the client application - the same platform
This work is a task of Introduction to Mobile Computing course, 2016.2 . Computer Department, PUC-Rio.
Luiz Felipe Donati -