Class Projects
Here you can find prototypes of additional services and applications based on SDDL that have been developed by students in the course Introduction to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
Semester 2016.2
- TravelersGroup - An application that allows mobile users in a geographic region (a polygon) to communicate with each other. Every send is broadcast to all members of every group in which the sender is part of.
- MapsAndroid - Monitor mobile nodes with their UUID label and communicate with them in real time.
- 474ck - A prototype game where you can see other players near your area in real time.
- BusTracker - The BusTracker is an SDDL application based on ContextNet to monitor where the buses in a city are.
- ProMe2c - real-time Proximity-based Medical Care Call is a SDDL application, based on Contexnet, that simulate a care call from one of 5 mobile clients to a server that manage who is the nearest mobile client and ask it to help the mobile client that sent the care call.
Semester 2014.2
- FallDetectionSystem - We propose system that detect when a person falls and send an alert to a contact list.
Semester 2013.2
- ReplayServer - The ReplayServer is a core server to provide Group messages history in the SDDL Middleware. - Bruno Olivieri
- NodePattern - The NodePattern service enables applications to detect when a specific node behave differently from a specified pattern. Currently, the service provide detection mechanism for movement aspects, precisely speed and distance the node moved.
- Registry - Registry service provides APIs to manage mobile nodes UUID to label and label to UUID mappings.
- Manning Bus Fleet - The Manning Bus Fleet is an SDDL application that provides an online view of a bus fleet usage. That is able to show in realtime the seats usage of all bus that uses their client. Likewise any customer can check how crownd or empty are all the buses and pick the best suitlabe one. It's easy as access a web address and choose the bus. - Bruno Olivieri
- Treasure Hunter - Treasure Hunter is a Location Based Service (LBS) game focused on exploration. Treasures are buried by administrators on a given region (defined by a polygon), this task is done in a Web interface. Users carrying an Android device can ``dig’’ to try to discover treasures. When their position is inside the treasure region, the treasure is discovered. We employ Complex Event Processing concepts to treat the matching process. Finally, the application was made to explore the concepts of the SDDL platform.
- Invisible Battlefields - Invisible Battlefields is a collaborative, positioning-sensitive mobile game in which players battle against each other for the glory of their clan.
- OtherService - OtherServiceDescription